Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Winks in Washington, D.C.!

Hi Everyone,

Check out some of the pictures from me and Steph's recent trip to Washington D.C. by clicking here!

Me hanging out at Illinois Representative Melissa Bean's office before our personal tour of the U.S. Capital!

Many more photos to come!

Until next time...

PS...I've already taped my first video blog and I'll be posting it on this same blog next week. I'm having a challenge getting the video to play perfectly. Oh well...I love learning new technology and the challenge it always entails. Stay tuned! I can assure you it will be worth the wait!

PPS...Watch for the gym pictures! You'll see first-hand what it would be like to work out with me at 5am. My intensity and drive will hopefully inspire you!

If you like the free articles on this blog or find them helpful, let Peter know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Just click here!

Friday, January 26, 2007

How to really make a decision!

Hi Everyone,

It's been said over and over again that life truly belongs to those who make decisions and stick to them. Decisions give our life meaning and purpose while providing us the ardent mindset that will drive us to accomplish great things - big and small!

The decision to start a business, reach out to a family member, buy a new car, be a better friend, make more money, get a new job, write a book...or anything else will improve our lives because we'll be living it with no excuses!

When we put off decisions waiting for the perfect time that never comes...we live in a whirling cesspool of guilt, depair, and diminishing self confidence. And we're only fooling ourselves...the world stares your results in the face.

Indecision leads to horrific thought patterns like...
- "I just know there are great things for me on the horizon." (Nothing great will happen to you on the sidelines. Stop deluding yourself!)
- "If I only did..." (So why didn't you try it? Get off your rear like everyone else!)
- "I thought of that idea years ago and should have pursued it" (Well you didn't - it's your own fault and nobody cares. NEXT!)
- "Oh...I could've done that" (Then why didn't you? The world is full of educated critics who do nothing but delude themselves into thinking they're smarter than they are.)
- "That'll never work" (Thanks for expounding your wisdom my lord - or should we say "all-knowing!")


If you study great business leaders and thinkers, they all made clear decisions, good and bad, and stuck with them until they suceeded or tried another approach. (Ah...another decision!)

Through all these stories are just a few steps toward decision making greatness...
1. Obtain key information and all facts involved.
2. Create a list of potential decisions and the consequences of each.
3. Make sure the decision is consistent with what you want to do and not the lure of something/someone external. In other words...be interested yourself!
4. Share your decision with those who need to know and implement it right away. And don't look back!
5. Refine the decision as you learn more about what you're doing! Life is not perfect!

For God's sake...just get off your butt, take some chances, and get started! There is no perfect time. All you have is this moment as you could drop dead any minute! Call it morbid...call it what you want...I really don't care!

In the words of NIKE..."Just Do It!"

Until next time...

PS...I've already taped my first video blog and I'll be posting it on this same blog next week. I'm having a challenge getting the video to play perfectly. Oh well...I love learning new technology and the challenge it always entails. Stay tuned! I can assure you it will be worth the wait!

PPS...Watch for the gym pictures! You'll see first-hand what it would be like to work out with me at 5am. My intensity and drive will hopefully inspire you!

If you like the free articles on this blog or find them helpful, let Peter know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Just click here!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

P.T. Barnum's secrets to becoming a miilionaire revealed!

Hi Everyone,

I want to be the first to expose you to P.T. Barnum's money-making secrets!

You may not know it...but P.T. Barnum was not only the greatest showman/promoter who ever lived...he was also one of America's first millionaires.

In fact, he was so rich and powerful...kings, queens, and presidents were among his closest friends! And this was back in the 1800s! Even modern day people like Donald Trump, Vince McMahon, Ted Turner, and Richard Branson consistently compare themselves to this master showman!

He discusses his rules to becoming rich and powerful in a famous speech called "The Art of Money Getting" located here!

Barnum cited the following rules as what transformed him from rags to riches...

Don't mistake your vocation!

Select the right location!

Avoid debt!


Whatever you do - do it with all your might!

Depend upon your own personal exertions!

Use the best tools!

Don't get above your business!

Learn something useful!

Let's hope predominate - but be not too visionary!

Don't scatter your powers!

Be systematic!

Read the newspapers!

Beware of outside operations!

Don't indorse without security!

Advertise your business!

Be polite and kind to your customers!

Be charitable!

Don't blab!

Preserve your integrity!

To read each passage...just click on the rule!

I hope you enjoy this famous speech and take it to heart!

If you want to read a great book about P.T. Barnum and his business tactics...get "P.T. Barnum" by Philip B. Kunhardt Jr. It's my personal favorite. To buy it...click here!

Until next time...

PS...I've already taped my first video blog and I'll be posting it on this same blog next week. I'm having a challenge getting the video to play perfectly. Oh well...I love learning new technology and the challenge it always entails. Stay tuned! I can assure you it will be worth the wait!

PPS...Watch for the gym pictures! You'll see first-hand what it would be like to work out with me at 5am. My intensity and drive will hopefully inspire you!

If you like the free articles on this blog or find them helpful, let Peter know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Just click here!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Are you truly networking or wasting your time socializing?

Hi Everyone,

The purpose of today's blog is to discuss how to REALLY network - not socialize!!!!!

Let's think about the word "networking." Its touted everywhere (usually by a bunch of nobody's who love to SOCIALIZE afterhours more than spend quality time with their families).

Network! Network! Network! Blah, blah, blah, blah blah!

While there are some ways to truly network for results...99% of company-sponsored or outside networking events are a total waste of your time! They're useless social events. Now socializing has a place and time...but NEVER confuse it with networking for results!

The average person, whom from now on we'll refer to as our "pathetic little friend" gets invited to a networking event they usually do not want to attend by their company or through some well-phrased advertisement. (And of course...these events are always held on YOUR time. I guess the company doesn't think they're so valuable...now do they?)

Here's what usually happens....

Our pathetic little friend drags his sorry-looking, oversized rear end to a networking event he does not want to go to - afterhours (of course) on his free time. Runs into the same people he can't stand at work or just saw a week ago - and with "obligatory conviction" shakes hands with them like they've just returned from years of war. From there...he has to put on a B.S. smile and discuss a bunch of crap which neither him, nor his fellow pathetic friend could care less about. Ah...the fun part now. This same pathetic soul, looking to break up the monotony, runs up to a worthless buffet (oh...but its FREE right?...WRONG DUMMY!) and grabs a plate of crappy, cheap, unhealthy food, and a much-needed cocktail (oh yes...the coppers sitting in the parking lot across the street love your event - and will probably be the only ones to profit). At this point, our pathetic friend fills up on junk...and from here walks around the room a few hundred times and then finally tires out and finds a dark corner to sit in, where he proceeds to keep peeking at his watch, emphatically praying to the high heavens that by some miracle of God, minutes will be converted to seconds, and he can get his sorry rear-end out the door as soon as possible, without being noticed. Gee...there's a night well-spent!

Now let's say it together with emphasis..."LOSER!!!"

(How would you like to event this stupid-looking event?)

Sound familiar? Been there, done it my friend. I don't do it anymore...time is ticking in life!

Now...it's about results!

There is a HUGE difference between "networking" and "socializing" events! So listen up.

Here are some tips for effective networking for real "networkers" with a purpose and propensity to be their own person and NOT waste valuable time flattering a corporate suit...

- Show up at events you're TRULY interested in attending!

- If you feel tired and your mind is telling you to stay home...follow your gut!

- Don't let your company talk you into attending an event on your time - which you are NOT
getting paid for! If they know you do not want to attend and are still forcing you...get a clue...it's about them being able to force you - not because they care about you!

- If you truly do not want to attend...make up an excuse to miss the event! There are plenty of
good ones! I can give you hundreds!

- If you do want to go...have a definite purpose in mind!

- Don't waste time in idle chatter with co-workers about the same trash you talk about all
day! That is not networking...that's socializing! BIG difference!

- Make sure someone is at this event your truly want to meet!

- Prioritize meeting this person and getting on with your business!

- Stay as long as you want to stay! Take the words "regret" and "obligation" out of your vocabulary! They're worthless!

- Make sure you follow up with whoever you came to meet and take action after the event!

- Eat little and drink NO alcohol! Drinking at company or other networking events leads to

All right...I'm sick of this jaded, boring subject already. Bottom line...know what you have to do...meet those who can help you...and get on with business and life.

Which is what I'm going to do right now!!!!!

Until next time...

PS...I've already taped my first video blog and I'll be posting it on this same blog next week. I'm having a challenge getting the video to play perfectly. Oh well...I love learning new technology and the challenge it always entails. Stay tuned! I can assure you it will be worth the wait!

PPS...Watch for the gym pictures! You'll see first-hand what it would be like to work out with me at 5am. My intensity and drive will hopefully inspire you!

If you like the free articles on this blog or find them helpful, let Peter know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Just click here!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I've been reading a terrific book about a truly great leader...called "Lincoln on Leadership." It's a must-buy if you have any ambitions to be the best communicator you can be!

This book has great advice on leading through difficult times. And who had a more difficult period in history to deal with than old "Honest Abe." In fact, Abraham Lincoln was considered by many pundits and historians, to be one of the greatest American communicators.

Here's one of my favorite passages called "Influence People Through Conversation and Storytelling."

He breaks it down to 8 simple rules...
1. When you meet with an individual, try not to part with any unpleasant impression on either side.

2. Speak in simple and familiar strains with people, without any pretension of superiority. Leave people with a feeling they've known you all their lives.

3. Don't forget that humor is a major component of your ability to persuade people.

4. A good laugh is good for both the mental and physical digestion.

5. Remember that people are more easily influenced through the medium of a broad and humorous illustration than in any other way.

6. You will often avoid a long and useless discussion by others or a laborious explanation on your own part by a short story that illustrates your point of view.

7. The sharpness of a refusal or the edge of a rebuke may be blunted by an appropriate story, so as to save wounded feelings and yet serve the purpose.

8. Loyalty is more often won through private conversation than in any other way.

And these are just a few tidbits you'll find. There are hundreds more!

To get a copy of this book (and I really suggest you do)...please click here!

Until next time...


PS...Check out my new online Peterwink.com store by clicking here.

PPS...My new video blog will open next month! Stay tuned! I can assure you it will be worth the wait! Check it out by clicking here!

PPPS...Watch for the gym pictures! You'll see first-hand what it would be like to work out with me at 5am. My intensity and drive will hopefully inspire you!

If you like the free articles on this blog or find them helpful, let Peter know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Just click here!