Hi Everyone,
The purpose of today's blog is to discuss how to REALLY network - not socialize!!!!!
Let's think about the word "networking." Its touted everywhere (usually by a bunch of nobody's who love to SOCIALIZE afterhours more than spend quality time with their families).
Network! Network! Network! Blah, blah, blah, blah blah!
While there are some ways to truly network for results...99% of company-sponsored or outside networking events are a total waste of your time! They're useless social events. Now socializing has a place and time...but NEVER confuse it with networking for results!
The average person, whom from now on we'll refer to as our "pathetic little friend" gets invited to a networking event they usually do not want to attend by their company or through some well-phrased advertisement. (And of course...these events are always held on YOUR time. I guess the company doesn't think they're so valuable...now do they?)
Here's what usually happens....
Our pathetic little friend drags his sorry-looking, oversized rear end to a networking event he does not want to go to - afterhours (of course) on his free time. Runs into the same people he can't stand at work or just saw a week ago - and with "obligatory conviction" shakes hands with them like they've just returned from years of war. From there...he has to put on a B.S. smile and discuss a bunch of crap which neither him, nor his fellow pathetic friend could care less about. Ah...the fun part now. This same pathetic soul, looking to break up the monotony, runs up to a worthless buffet (oh...but its FREE right?...WRONG DUMMY!) and grabs a plate of crappy, cheap, unhealthy food, and a much-needed cocktail (oh yes...the coppers sitting in the parking lot across the street love your event - and will probably be the only ones to profit). At this point, our pathetic friend fills up on junk...and from here walks around the room a few hundred times and then finally tires out and finds a dark corner to sit in, where he proceeds to keep peeking at his watch, emphatically praying to the high heavens that by some miracle of God, minutes will be converted to seconds, and he can get his sorry rear-end out the door as soon as possible, without being noticed. Gee...there's a night well-spent!
Now let's say it together with emphasis..."LOSER!!!"
(How would you like to event this stupid-looking event?)
Sound familiar? Been there, done it my friend. I don't do it anymore...time is ticking in life!
Now...it's about results!
There is a HUGE difference between "networking" and "socializing" events! So listen up.
Here are some tips for effective networking for real "networkers" with a purpose and propensity to be their own person and NOT waste valuable time flattering a corporate suit...
- Show up at events you're TRULY interested in attending!
- If you feel tired and your mind is telling you to stay home...follow your gut!
- Don't let your company talk you into attending an event on your time - which you are NOT
getting paid for! If they know you do not want to attend and are still forcing you...get a clue...it's about them being able to force you - not because they care about you!
- If you truly do not want to attend...make up an excuse to miss the event! There are plenty of
good ones! I can give you hundreds!
- If you do want to go...have a definite purpose in mind!
- Don't waste time in idle chatter with co-workers about the same trash you talk about all
day! That is not networking...that's socializing! BIG difference!
- Make sure someone is at this event your truly want to meet!
- Prioritize meeting this person and getting on with your business!
- Stay as long as you want to stay! Take the words "regret" and "obligation" out of your vocabulary! They're worthless!
- Make sure you follow up with whoever you came to meet and take action after the event!
- Eat little and drink NO alcohol! Drinking at company or other networking events leads to
All right...I'm sick of this jaded, boring subject already. Bottom line...know what you have to do...meet those who can help you...and get on with business and life.
Which is what I'm going to do right now!!!!!
Until next time...
http://www.peterwink.comPS...I've already taped my first video blog and I'll be posting it on this same blog next week. I'm having a challenge getting the video to play perfectly. Oh well...I love learning new technology and the challenge it always entails. Stay tuned! I can assure you it will be worth the wait!
PPS...Watch for the gym pictures! You'll see first-hand what it would be like to work out with me at 5am. My intensity and drive will hopefully inspire you!
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