Saturday, February 10, 2007

Just say it for God's sake!

Hi Everyone,

As a communications guru...people always tell me their woes about their ability to communicate with their bosses, co-workers, family, friends...and just about every other class of being in existence.

It's usually the same story...I just don't know how to say it. Blah! Urgh! Ugggg! Geez...what other expletives can I think of.


When you have something to say, here's what you do...
- Make sure you know exactly what you want to get across!
- Don't worry about waiting until the perfect time - there is none!
- Just say it without sugar-coating it or beating around the bush! (Can you say wimpy salesman?)

Ok...I said what I have to say and I suggest you do the same.

Today's lesson --- Stop beating around the bush and "Just Say It!"

I'm outta here!

Until next time...

PS...I've already taped my first video blog and its available here.

PPS...Watch for the gym pictures! You'll see first-hand what it would be like to work out with me at 5am. My intensity and drive will hopefully inspire you!

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