Friday, April 06, 2007

It's my blog and I'll say what I want!

Hi Everyone,

Every week I get various comments from people about something I wrote in my blog or posted on someone elses.

Most comments are great, some are good, some are questionable, while others are pretty vulgar. By the way...vulgar can be "so hot." Oops...sorry for the Paris Hilton momentary lapse of reason.

Overall...I think ALL comments are terrific because if people are talking about you-somewhere in life you're making an impact or creating some sort of difference of opinion. Just my sort of thing! I love creating chaos, synergy, debate, and difference of opinion. That creates thought kiddies! After all...if the world was just like could get pretty dull! Or would it?

PLEASE NOTE...I will say whatever I want, to whoever I want, whenever I want...with no regrets. I hide from nobody! If I have something to say - it gets said. I fear nobody or their cowardly, anonymous opinions. I welcome them! Just do me a favor and make a point and be able to defend it!

With that in mind...feel free to leave a comment about me, my blog, my books, or anything else. to also visit me on mySpace or on that I've shocked you with a double blog today, I'm going to shoot my newest video blog.

Until next time...

PS...I've already taped my first video blog and its available here.

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