Monday, December 24, 2007

Attention: Public Relations pundits!

Hi Everyone,

I was out doing some bargain shopping the other day and came across a tremendous book at a used bookstore.

The book is called "Public Relation Kit For Dummies."

As most of you already know, I have vast experience in the area of Public Relations and Publicity. One of my publicity stunts alone is considered the largest PR stunt in Chicago history for a restaurant chain and I'M DAMN PROUD OF IT!

In this book, there is a section called "Defining Your Goals and Objectives."

It says, and I agree, that the five main components to PR goal setting include:
1. Knowing the key message you want to communicate!
2. Defining your marketing objective!
3. Understanding your audience!
4. Knowing the response you want from your PR!
5. Knowing the media you want to target!

Now I did not have this book, and relied on intuition in my early PR days. This was costly.

If you have a small or large business and are wondering how to get free attention for your business get a copy of "Public Relations Kit For Dummies" today!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Check out my new interview on powerUp english!

Hi Everyone,

I was just recently interviewed about negotiation for a podcast on the legendary powerUp english podcast site.

Check it out here!

FYI...I'm now in the process of publishing my newest book on buying and selling anything for pennies on the dollar. Stay tuned!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A christmas gift for anyone!

Hi Everyone,

I came across a great website dedicated to helping you find the perfect Christmas

Gotta run...happy shopping!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The missing secret by Joe Vitale!

Hi Everyone,

I cannot recommend Joe Vitale's new program called "The Missing Secret" enough.

Here is the accurate ad copy describing it...

Now you can attract money, health, success, happiness, love and more into your life quickly, consistently, and automatically, using the incredible power of the Law of Attraction PLUS the little-known “Missing Secret” that opens the door to uninterrupted abundance. If the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you all the time … or if you simply want to attract MORE … then this program is going to have an instant and astonishing impact on the results you’re getting in life!

Sound remotely interesting? I thought so!

You can get it by clicking here.

Just doing final editing on my new book. This book is going to blow the lid off buying and selling for pennies on the dollar. Stay tuned folks!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.