Saturday, December 26, 2009

What it takes to be number one!

Hi Everyone,

I love the famous "What It Takes To Be Number One Speech" by Vince Lombardi.

inning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game, and that's first place. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don't ever want to finish second again. There is a second place bowl game, but it's for losers. It is, and always has been, an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win.

Every time a football player goes to ply his trade he's got to play from the ground up - from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That's OK. You've got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly, you've got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second.

Running a football team is no different than any other kind of organization - an army, a political party or a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win - to beat the other guy. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don't think it is.

It is a reality of life that men are competitive and the most competitive games draw the most competitive men. That's why they are there - to compete. The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules, but to win.

And in truth, I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline. There is something in good men that really yearns for discipline and the harsh reality of head to head combat.

I don't say these things because I believe in the "brute" nature of man or that men must be brutalized to be combative. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man's finest hour - his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear - is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious."

Please let this speech inspire you to "keep on keeping on" no matter what you face in 2010!

Gotta run!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" eBook - please click here.

Audible audio version available here.

iTunes audio version available here.

PPS...To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from, please click here.

To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from iTunes, please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio 2-CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" featuring myself and Bob Proctor, please click here!

PPPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

PPPPPS...Follow me on Twitter here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How to be powerful in the face of YOUR fears!

Hi Everyone,

It has been a busy Thanksgiving Day so far.

One of the highlights of the day was listening to a program in my car called...

The Art of Fearbusting by an old friend - Dr. Susan Jeffers.

One of the reasons I listen to this program over and over is to remind myself that I cannot live in fear or make decisions out of fear. Fear is an emotion and emotions cloud judgment. If you do not have this CD - click on the link above and get it ASAP!

Susan is one of two people I know who truly lives a life where fear does not rule her life. My boss and good friend, marketing legend Kevin Trudeau is the other. We'll save that for another post.

I just came across an article by Susan Jeffers that I want to share with you called...

The Art of Fearbusting - How to Be Powerful in the Face of Our Fears
By: Susan Jeffers

You can access it here.

Here is one of my favorite passages from Susan's article...

Remember the three miracle words: I’ll handle it. At the bottom of every one of your fears is that you won’t be able to handle what life brings you. But if you knew that you could handle anything that came your way, you’d have nothing to fear. Tell yourself I’ll handle it a hundred times a day. Write it on a note and tape it to your mirror. Imprint it on your subconscious. It will free you from the need to constantly agonize over the “what ifs” and the need to control the behavior of everyone around you.

Susan is brilliant and one of the only authors who is the real deal!

I'm off now to Wildfire restaurant in Chicago to celebrate Thanksgiving with a great friend and then off to my in-laws to wrap up the night.

It may sound cliche but I truly believe that the only thing to fear is fear itself.

Hopefully this post helped someone out there. :-)

Gotta run!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" eBook - please click here.

Audible audio version available here.

iTunes audio version available here.

PPS...To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from, please click here.

To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from iTunes, please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio 2-CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" featuring myself and Bob Proctor, please click here!

PPPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

PPPPPS...Follow me on Twitter here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Don't quit! Thanks to Joel Osteen!

Hi Everyone,

I found this really profound poem online and wanted to share it with you during these testing times.

It's called...

Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit.
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out:
Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far:
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Excellent passage huh?

I remember a time not too long ago when I was concerned about something not turning out as planned. That morning for know apparent reason, I flipped on cable and there was the legendary Joel Osteen - who I'd never seen before. (I'm not religious, but thought --- why not? There was some reason I turned on the station at that time and I decided to follow through on my hunch.)

He made the comment that you never know what the next 72 hours will bring and you have to stick to your guns.

Somehow I knew that message was for me. The event I was concerned about worked out in just under 72 hours. Thanks Joel! :-)

Bottom line -----

Never quit!

Gotta run!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" eBook - please click here.

Audible audio version available here.

iTunes audio version available here.

PPS...To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from, please click here.

To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from iTunes, please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio 2-CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" featuring myself and Bob Proctor, please click here!

PPPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

PPPPPS...Follow me on Twitter here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A GREAT recommendation for anyone into the Law of Attraction!

Hi Everyone,

Geez...I'm getting bad at keeping up with my blogging!

Today, I want to recommend a great audio program to all the Law of Attraction folks out there.

It's called...

The Law of Attraction CD Collection by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks

This is the best set of audios I've ever heard on the Law of Attraction - bar none.

The program is comprised of three of the most popular audio programs by Esther and Jerry Hicks (who present the teachings of the Non-Physical consciousness Abraham):

1. Ask and It Is Given: The Law of Attraction: You’ll come to understand how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns and more are all influenced by this Universal Law; and you’ll realize that it’s your birthright to live a life filled with everything that is good!

2. Ask and It Is Given: The Processes: A series of 22 Processes assists you in reconnecting with the "Non-Physical" part of yourself, which will help you achieve anything you desire. As you apply these Processes, your naturally joyful zest for life will be reawakened!

3. The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham: This is the series of recordings that launched the basic Teachings of Abraham. You’ll see how all things, wanted and unwanted, are brought to you by the Law of Attraction (that which is like unto itself, is drawn).

I like these CDs so much, I'm going through them for the third time and applying what I've been learning.

You can get them here.

For me, I find that I attract what I want by knowing what I want, believing I'll get it and sticking to a high standard when it comes to what I accept in my life. No compromising - that's for losers!

I'm outta here!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" eBook - please click here.

Audible audio version available here.

iTunes audio version available here.

PPS...To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from, please click here.

To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from iTunes, please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio 2-CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" featuring myself and Bob Proctor, please click here!

PPPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

PPPPPS...Follow me on Twitter here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Water - the #1 wonder of the HEALTH world!

Hi Everyone,

As you may know, I'm a health and fitness fanatic.

And one of my favorite subjects is the effect of water on the body. There is alarming research the everyone needs to know about water and the untold health benefits.

Everything you need to know is at one of my favorite websites "Water Cure."

The site contains the work of water researcher F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

Dr. F. Batmaghelidj wrote his first self-help book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” in 1992, in which he stated that a dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of dehydration. The body signals its water shortage by producing pain. Dehydration actually produces pain and many degenerative diseases, including asthma, arthritis, hypertension, angina, adult-onset diabetes, lupus and multiple sclerosis. Dr. B’s message to the world is, “You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication.”

To learn some of the most profound things about water and health and fitness in general click here.

Here are a couple questions and answers that are mind-boggling...


We are designed to drink pure, natural water.

- Avoid sodas/soft drinks to provide your fluid needs. The high sugar content and artificial flavors in soft drinks are harmful to your health.

- Tea, coffee, soft drinks contain water, but the diuretics contained in these caffineated beverages flush water out of your body. Don’t count on them to replenish fluid loss.

- It is OK to drink them occasionally, but if you drink them constantly and don’t drink enough pure natural water, then you are severely compromising your long-term health.

- Natural pure water is the best choice. If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle and long-term health, make water a habit and a priority in your life.


During intense exercise the kidneys cannot excrete excess water. The extra water moves into the cells, including brain cells. The result can be fatal. For that reason, athletes should estimate how much they should drink by weighing themselves before and after long training runs to see how much they lose, and thus how much water and salt they should replace.

The studies that found 13% of the runners tested drank too much water, resulting in abnormally low blood sodium levels. The low sodium levels made many of these people very sick, and close to the point of death. The importance lesson here is to balance your water intake with your sodium intake.

And here's one more bonus question...


It is always wise to get a filter if you are not sure how safe your tap water is.

There are many water filter products on the market at many different prices. To shop for a good filter, you need to know what a filter factually reduces, or removes, and what it costs. Ideally, you want water that has been filtered via a reverse osmosis process that removes chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, bacteria, and viruses.

If you want to read a terrific book, get "Water For Health, For Healing, For Life" by Dr. F. Batmaghelidj by clicking here.

Even if you're not a health nut - this book will be an eye-opener for you! (Thanks to Barton Blankenburg, one of my best friends, for turning me on to Dr. Batmaghelidj's work!)

Time for a drink of water.

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" eBook - please click here.

Audible audio version available here.

iTunes audio version available here.

PPS...To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from, please click here.

To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from iTunes, please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio 2-CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" featuring myself and Bob Proctor, please click here!

PPPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

PPPPPS...Follow me on Twitter here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

How to stop worrying and start living

Hi Everyone,

One of the things I have learned to conquer is fear and worry.

Before you declare me a fraud, hear me out...

I'm not saying that I do not have monetary fears. We all do. The difference is that I quickly get over them before they consume too much time, emotion, money, effort and good health.

You may or may not know I'm a huge fan of Dale Carnegie - and I love his book (which I read at least once a year) called How To Stop Worrying and Start Living.

If you suffer from fear and worry - you NEED to read this book ASAP!

Here are PHENOMENAL excerpts fro the book ---

Fundamental facts you should know about worry

1. If you want to avoid worry, do what Sir William Osler did: Live in "day-tight compartments." Don't stew about the futures. Just live each day u ntil bedtime.

2. The next time Trouble--with a Capital T--backs you up in a corner, try the magic formula of Willis H. Carrier:

- Ask yourself, "What is the worst that can possibly happen if I can't solve my problem?
- Prepare yourself mentally to accept the worst--if necessary.
- Then calmly try to improve upon the worst--which you have already mentally agreed to accept.
- Remind yourself of the exorbitant price you can pay for worry in terms of your health. "Those who do not know how to fight worry die young."

Basic techniques in analyzing worry

1. Get the facts. Remember that Dean Hawkes of Columbia University said that "half the worry in the world is caused by people trying to make decisions before they have sufficient knowledge on which to base a decision."

2. After carefully weighing all the facts, come to a decision.

3. Once a decision is carefully reached, act! Get busy carrying out your decision--and dismiss all anxiety about the outcome.

4. When you, or any of your associates, are tempted to worry about a problem, write out and answer the following questions:

- What is the problem?
- What is the cause of the problem?
- What are all possible solutions?
- What is the best solution?

How to break the worry habit before it breaks you

1. Crowd worry out of your mind by keeping busy. Plenty of action is one of the best therapies ever devised for curing "wibber gibbers."

2. Don't fuss about trifles. Don't permit little things--the mere termites of life--to ruin your happiness.

3. Use the law of averages to outlaw your worries. Ask yourself: "What are the odds against this thing's happening at all?"

4. Co-operate with the inevitable. If you know a circumstance is beyond your power to change or revise, say to yourself: "It is so; it cannot be otherwise."

5. Put a "stop-less" order on your worries. Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth--and refuse to give it anymore.

6. Let the past bury its dead. Don't saw sawdust.

Seven ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness

1. Let's fill our minds with thoughts of peace, courage, health, and hope, for "our life is what our thoughts make it."

2. Let's never try to get even with our enemies, because if we do we will hurt ourselves far more than we hurt them. Let's do as General Eisenhower does: let's never waste a minute thinking about people we don't like.

3. Instead of worrying about ingratitude, let's expect it. Let's remember that Jesus healed ten lepers in one day--and only one thanked Him. Why should we expect more gratitude than Jesus got? Let's remember that the only way to find happiness is not to expect gratitude--but to give for the joy of giving. Let's remember that gratitude is a "cultivated" trait; so if we want our children to be grateful, we must train them to be grateful.

4. Count your blessings--not your troubles!

5. Let's not imitate others. Let's find ourselves and be ourselves, for "envy is ignorance" and "imitation is suicide."

6. When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make a lemonade.
7. Let's forget our own unhappiness--by trying to create a little happiness for others. "When you are good to others, you are best to yourself."

The perfect way to conquer worry

1. Prayer

How to keep from worrying about criticism

1. Unjust criticism is often a disguised compliment. It often means that you have aroused jealousy and envy. Remember that no one ever kicks a dead dog.

2. Do the very best you can; and then put up your old umbrella and keep the rain of criticism from running down the back of your neck.

3. Let's keep a record of the fool things we have done and criticize ourselves. Since we can't hope to be perfect, let's do what E.H. Little did: let's ask for unbiased, helpful, constructive criticism.

Six ways to prevent fatigue and worry and keep your energy and spirits high

1. Rest before you get tired.

2. Learn to relax at your work.

3. Learn to relax at home.

4. Apply these four good workings habits:

- Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate problem at hand.
- Do things in the order of their importance.
- When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have the facts to make a decision.
- Learn to organize, deputize, and supervise.

5. To prevent worry and fatigue, put enthusiasm into your work.

6. Remember, no one was ever killed by lack of sleep. It is worrying about insomnia that does the damage--not the insomnia.

If this can't help you, I'm speechless!

Get the book and practice the tactics OR quit your whining!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" eBook - please click here.

Audible audio version available here.

iTunes audio version available here.

PPS...To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from, please click here.

To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from iTunes, please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio 2-CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" featuring myself and Bob Proctor, please click here!

PPPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

PPPPPS...Follow me on Twitter here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It’s easier to be stupid

Hi Everyone,

Holy cow it's been a while since I've blogged on here. Too much time on my Facebook page I guess.

I found a GREAT blog recently from the legendary "Pitbull of Self-Development" himself - Sir Larry Winget.

It's called...

"It's Easier To Be Stupid!"

That’s right. It’s easier to be stupid than it is be smart.

It is easier to listen to the political pundits and television news anchors and trust their words completely than it is to study, read, and search to discover the truth about a political issue or to actually read one of the bills or proposals you are so vehemently for or against.

It is easier to believe Rush or O’Reilly or Hannity or Olberman or Rachel or Beck or even Larry Winget than it is to actually do a little fact checking of your very own. It’s work to find the truth out about any issue, so it’s easier to just accept what you hear as fact.

It is easier to listen to the preachers and believe every word they say from their pulpit than it is to read the book yourself, or maybe lots of books and search for your own insight and develop your beliefs based on your own experiences.

It’s easier to just toe the party line because you are registered Democrat or Republican than it is to ask whether the party line makes sense or not.

It’s easier to believe your doctor when he tells you that you should take a pill rather than to do some research or get a second opinion to find out if he knows what he is talking about or whether he is padding his pocket and those of the pharmaceutical companies.

It’s easier to buy a pill or have surgery to lose the pounds than it is to start eating right and doing some exercise.

It’s easier to steal a car than it is to get a job, earn money, build credit and buy a car.

It’s easy to charge something than it is to pay cash.

It’s easier to blame than to take responsibility.

Bottom line it’s just easier to be stupid and do stupid things.

Smart people take responsibility for their lives. They require a lot from themselves and from others. Smart people work hard and pay their bills. Smart people are good parents. Smart people are concerned about their health and the health of their family.

The argument from many is going to be that there are many smart people who aren’t good parents. Or that there are smart people who don’t work hard or pay their bills. Or that there are plenty of smart people who are obese. You can’t sell me on that argument. These people all might be intelligent, but they aren’t smart, they are stupid.

Being smart requires that you do the right thing or at least work at trying to do the right thing.

We are a society who loves to brag about how smart we are. But are we? It doesn’t appear so on many fronts. Being smart requires that we be responsible and that simply is not the case for most people. We require almost nothing of ourselves that involves any real work, effort or sacrifice.

The Bible says “to whom much is given, much is required.” And each of us has been given a lot.

We have been given a great planet to live on yet we stupidly spend most of our day destroying it. After all, it’s work to conserve. It requires sacrifice. Not big sacrifices for sure, but even a small sacrifice requires more of us than no sacrifice. “Give up my gas guzzler? No way!” “Put in energy conserving light bulbs? They cost a dollar more!” “Turn up my thermostat two degrees? What? I’ve earned the right to be as cool as I want to be!”

We have been given a job yet few people do more than what is minimally required of them in order to keep their job and draw their check. After all, giving your best requires integrity and it easier to live without integrity than with it.

We have been given great kids yet we don’t communicate with them, spend much time with them or set good examples for them.

We are given great civil liberties yet few people vote or become involved.

Most of us were given health yet we ate our way, smoked our way and lazyed our way out of that great gift.

We have been given the opportunity to accomplish great things yet we squander that opportunity by sitting on our ass and watching mindless drivel on the television.

We have been given all the keys to success, happiness and prosperity but only a few will ever bother to read the books that hold those keys.

Instead, we take the easy way out. The stupid way out. Because anything else would require effort and few are willing to put in the effort to change their lives or their circumstances.

Instead, they would rather just complain about the hand they have been dealt and their lot in life. They would rather bitch about Obama or Bush or the stupidity of others than own up to their own laziness and stupidity. They would rather blame the economy or Wall Street rather than own up to the fact that they overspent and never saved. They would rather blame their boss than own up to the fact that they called in sick when they weren’t and took longer breaks than allowed and gave 75% effort instead of 100%. They would rather blame the school system than realize that they never spent any time with their kids making sure they could add or read or spell. They would rather blame the government for squandering their tax dollars than admit that they cheated on their own income taxes.

Being given much really does mean that much is required of you.

It means that if you have money, you are required to do the right thing with your money including saving, investing, spending and being charitable.

It means that if you have kids you are required to talk to them, spend time with them, teach them and set a good example for them.

It means that if you have a job you are required to give it your best for no other reason than you were hired to do so.

It also means that if you are smart, you are required to use your smarts in ways that serve yourself, your family and others in responsible ways. And that requires work. That’s why it’s easier to be stupid – it doesn’t really require any work.

I will readily admit that I often do take the easy way out myself. I find it easier to NOT do something than it is to do something. I try not to get caught in that trap often and I try not to let it spread like a cancer into all areas of my life. I try to recognize it quickly, correct it even quicker and get back on track immediately. But it still happens and I still offer myself excuses for it. Bottom line: There is no excuse. Doing the easy thing is rarely about doing the right thing. If the wind is at your back, you are going the wrong direction.

What are YOU doing? Are you taking the easy way out?

I want to add to this but I think Larry said it all!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" eBook - please click here.

Audible audio version available here.

iTunes audio version available here.

PPS...To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from, please click here.

To get a copy of "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" audio program from iTunes, please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio 2-CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" featuring myself and Bob Proctor, please click here!

PPPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

PPPPPS...Follow me on Twitter here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Friday, June 05, 2009

What I'm sitting reading right now and a glimpse of my favorite magazines!

Hi Everyone,

I'm sitting in my personal office, waiting for my wife to get home, and reading a great book that I cannot recommend enough called My Remarkable Journey by Larry King.

You can get it here!

The story is not only inspiration but educational and informative.

As someone who often does interviews about my books and CD programs, the book proves its worth over and over by teaching me the mindset of someone who is trying to get in my head and elicit the best information from me.

And as someone who also interviews many bestselling authors and celebrities, I was amazed to find out that Larry King does not prepare one question prior to an interview. He comes out of the gate just like his audience - curious at a fundamental level.

The things I'm learning are amazing to say the least. If you're looking for a great book and enjoy biographies - buy it today! Or check it out at your local library like I did!


I have many people asking me what magazines I like to read. I'm not sure why they ask - but here's the short list of my personal subscriptions...

- MacWorld
- Fortune
- Rolling Stone
- Psychology Today
- GQ
- Health
- CondeNast Portfolio
- Success
- Hypnotic Gold
- Trafficology
- Think Big
- Inc.
- Entrepreneur
- Fast Company

(MacWorld being my favorite by far!)

Oh man - I know I'm missing a few. We'll --- you get the message.

Getting ready for a weekend of working on my new book --- seeing my nephew Brenden --- and hitting the Mustang/Cobra car show (and seeing the 1966 TV Batmobile) at the world famous Volo Auto Museum!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" eBook - please click here.

Audible audio version available here.

iTunes audio version available here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio 2-CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" featuring myself and Bob Proctor, please click here!

PPPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

PPPPPS...Follow me on Twitter here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Buying Secrets Retailer's DON'T Want You To Know About audio - just declared an instant BESTSELLER on Audible! (Also available on iTunes!)

Hi Everyone,

My new Gildan Media audio program, "Buying Secrets Retailer's DON'T Want You To Know About" is an official bestseller on!

I'm excited to be sharing the list with the likes of other historical bestsellers like Robert Kiyosaki, David Schwartz, James Kramer, and even the legendary Dale Carnegie. WOW!

You can get it from Audible right here.

"Buying Secrets Retailer's DON'T Want You To Know About" has also just been released on iTunes.

Then comes the "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" on Audible and iTunes. Big summer!!!!!

I dedicate this to all the critics and naysayers I've dealt with throughout my life!

And you have not seen anything yet my friends!!!!!

Gotta run - much to do!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio 2-CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" featuring myself and Bob Proctor, please click here!

PPPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

PPPPPS...Follow me on Twitter here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Who do you associate with and where are they leading you?

Hi Everyone,

Jim Rohn is my favorite business philosopher bar none.

After working in the self-help industry for more than 20 years for Nightingale-Conant and after that - working with most of the biggest self-help authors on the planet, I can say from authority, that Jim Rohn is the real deal.

When he used to come to Nightingale-Conant, I spent every minute I could with him. I always learned so much.

One of the principles, I learned from Jim was about the importance of who I associate with. Friends, family, everyone - and their impact on me. I learned quickly that if I was to grow, i had to be around others doing the same.

I want to share part 1, of a two-part article of Jim's called...

Evaluating Your Associations (Part I)
by Jim Rohn

If you were to evaluate the major influences in your life that have shaped the kind of person you are, this has to be high on the list: the people and thoughts you choose to allow into your life.

Mr. Shoaff gave me a very important warning in those early days that I would like to share with you. He said, "Never underestimate the power of influence." Indeed, the influence of those around us is so powerful! Many times we don't even realize we're being strongly affected because influences generally develop over an extended period of time.

Peer pressure is an especially powerful force because it is so subtle. If you're around people who spend all they make, chances are excellent that you'll spend all you make. If you are around people who go to more ball games than concerts, chances are excellent that you'll do the same thing.

If you are around people who don't read, chances are excellent that you won't read. People can keep nudging us off course a little at a time until finally, we find ourselves asking, "How did I get here?" Those subtle influences need to be studied carefully if we really want our lives to turn out the way we've planned.

With regard to this important point, let me give you three key questions to ask yourself. They may help you to make better analysis of your current associations.

Here is the first question: "Who am I around?" Make a mental note of the people with whom you most often associate. You've got to evaluate everybody who is able to influence you in any way.

The second question is: "What are these associations doing to me?" That's a major question to ask. What have they got me doing? What have they got me listening to? What have they got me reading? Where have they got me going?

What do they have me thinking? How have they got me talking? How have they got me feeling? What have they got me saying? You've got to make a serious study of how others are influencing you, both negatively and positively.

Here's a final question: "Is that okay?" Maybe everyone you associate with has been a positive, energizing influence. Then again, maybe there are some bad apples in the bunch.

All I'm suggesting here is that you take a close and objective look. Everything is worth a second look, especially the power of influence. Both will take you somewhere, but only one will take you in the direction you need to go.

It's easy to just dismiss the things that influence our lives. One man say's, "I live here, but I don't think it matters. I'm around these people, but I don't think it hurts." I would take another look at that. Remember, everything matters! Sure, some things matter more than others, but everything amounts to something.

You've got to keep checking to find out whether your associations are tipping the scales toward the positive or toward the negative. Ignorance is never the best policy. Finding out is the best policy.

Perhaps you've heard the story of the little bird. He had his wing over his eye and he was crying. The owl said to the bird, "You are crying." "Yes," said the little bird, and he pulled his wing away from his eye. "Oh, I see," said the owl. "You're crying because the big bird pecked out your eye." And the little bird said, "No, I'm not crying because the big bird pecked out my eye. I'm crying because I let him."

It's easy to let influence shape our lives, to let associations determine our direction, to let pressures overwhelm us, and to let tides take us. The big question is, are we letting ourselves become what we wish to become?

(End of Part 1 - Part 2 on what to do next will be posted next week.)

By the way - my two new audio books (Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About and Negotiate Your Way To Riches) are FINALLY about to be released on iTunes and in the next couple weeks.

Gotta run - much to do!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

PPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Peter Wink live interview on negotiating!

Hi Everyone,

Check out the "Negotiate Your Way To Riches" interview I did for powerUp english!

Just click here.


Make sure and watch for the new audio versions of...

- Negotiate Your Way to Riches
- Buying Secrets Retailer's DON'T Want You To Know About

Both being released in May 2009 (delayed) on and iTunes.

Also, I'm making progress on my new book - will be done this Summer. Details to follow!

Spending the day working and seeing family.

Gotta run - much to do!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

PPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Where do you find inspiration?

Hi Everyone,

I was recently thumbing through one of my favorite books called...

The Quotable Walt Disney available here.

It made me think of some of my favorite Disney quotes.

Here are a few that resonate with me and things I do personally...

"We are not trying to entertain the critics. I'll take my chances with the public."

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality."

"Somehow I can't believe there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C's. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy and the greatest of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably."

"Why do we have to grow up? I know more adults who have the children's approach to life. They're people who don't give a hang what the Joneses do. You see them at Disneyland every time you go there. They are not afraid to be delighted with simple pleasures, and they have a degree of contentment with what life has brought - sometimes it isn't much, either."

"Or heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings."

"A man should never neglect his family for business."

"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse."

Each of these quotes means something special to me.

Hopefully, you have your own sources of inspiration!

Make sure and watch for the new audio versions of...

- Negotiate Your Way to Riches
- Buying Secrets Retailer's DON'T Want You To Know About

Both being released in May 2009 (delayed) on and iTunes.

Also, I'm making progress on my new book - will be done this Summer. Details to follow!

Spending the day working and seeing family.

Gotta run - much to do!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

PPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't read this unless you're ambitious!

Hi Everyone,

A good friend of mine Theresa Puskar (infomercial hostess extraordinaire) gave me something that has become a most cherished gift. In fact, I see and read it everyday.

She took a quote from Theodore Roosevelt and put it in a beautiful frame. What made the gift extra special is that she said I exemplified the quote.

Theodore Roosevelt

Here it is verbatim.

The credit belongs to the man...
who is actually in the arena...
who strives valiantly...
who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions...
and spends himself in a worthy cause...
who at best, know the triumph of high achievement; and...
who, at the worst, if he fails...
at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with
those cold and timid souls...
who know neither victory nor defeat.

Powerful words.

Like most people, I do not see myself the way others do, and I'll say that I see no reason to live the life of a wallflower. To me that is what loser's do.

I do not believe you or I were put here to waste away in the background or to sit on the sidelines of the great game of life. You're either a player or not.

Remember, there is no perfect time to do what it is you want to do.

- If you want to start a business - start it!
- If you want to raise a family - start it!
- If you want to change your financial plan - start it!
- If you want to be a better spouse - start it!
- If you want to find a better relationship - start it!

You get the point!!!! Whatever you want to do - start it! And don't give me the "my situation is different" or "it's too complicated." That's loser speak! Just another excuse. There's always a way if you're committed. (You know it and I know it - so let's cut the B.S. here and now.)

What are you waiting for? Yesterday is gone and tomorrow never exists. Whether you want to think about it or not - you could die today. Then what?

Personally, I've never run from a worthwhile challenge. That has netted me some great results - contrary to the useless advice of my critics.

In fact, I have to laugh. I can still remember my guidance counselor in high school giving me what turned out to be some of the most useless advice on planet earth. Pretty much everything he told me ended up false. Thankfully, I was a rebellious person then as I am now. I believe in marching to the beat of my own drummer. After all, whose life is this anyway? It's certainly not my families, my wife's, my friend's or anyone elses.

I want to close this blog, whether useful to you or not, with one of my favorite poems. One I live my life by everyday.

It is called ONLY A PERSON WHO RISKS IS FREE by Author Unknown. (I've posted it before and here it is again.)

Here it is my friend...

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach for another is to risk involvement.
To expose your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To believe is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The people who risk nothing, do nothing, have nothing, are nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.
Chained by their attitudes they are slaves; they have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.

If you are not taking the chances you know deep down you need to, you have nobody to blame but yourself for your results.

Don't waste time crying to your spouse, family members, friends or anyone else. They likely already know that you are not doing anything but whining and they likely are sick of listening to you. If you don't believe me, think of the reaction you have to a friend or family member who does it to you!

Bottom line: Get off your rear and do something instead of pissing, whining and moaning to others. WE DON'T CARE!

In the end, only you can do what you need to do.

Now onto more interesting things...

Make sure and watch for the new audio versions of...

- Negotiate Your Way to Riches
- Buying Secrets Retailer's DON'T Want You To Know About

Both being released in the next four weeks on and iTunes.

Also, I'm making progress on my new book - will be done this Summer. Details to follow!

Spending the rest of the day working on my new book while my wife is with my niece at some show about "Dora The Explorer." (Whatever that is.)

Gotta run - much to do!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

PPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

How big are you REALLY thinking?

Hi Everyone,

Just back from Canada after facilitating an "Everything's Negotiable" workshop for ALL the procurement specialists for ALL Canada's major universities.

Great time and glad to be back home!

I was just thumbing through one of my favorite books of all time...

"The Magic of Thinking Big" by the legendary Dr. David J. Schwartz.

In this book, he discusses what is called "Excusitis."

The disease of failure.

You know people who suffer from this, as they always have an excuse for everything that goes wrong and naturally it is never their own fault. (They blame their spouses, parents, kids, bosses, friends, neighbors, colleagues, the list goes on and on and on.)

I may be a little rough on people (like I am myself), but I have to admit, I cannot take much of these people. 99.9% of the time these people do not even truly want help - it is much easier to stay infected by "Excusitis" and use it to fall back on as they fail miserably in their lives.

What most people fail to realize that the ONE constant in all these relationships and scenarios is themselves. (Does that help you get a clue?)

I recently was doing some research online on success and failure, and came across an article that was fascinating by The Kenmarc Company called...

Excusitis – The disease that undermines achievement

Here is is verbatim...

Excusitis – The disease that undermines achievement.

Are you suffering from ''Excusitis"? Excusitis is the “If only …” disease.


If only I had more money; If only I had a better education; If only I were healthier;
If only I were younger; If only I were older; If only I were luckier; If only I were
brought up in a different family; If only I didn’t have a problem spouse. This is the
mental process a victim of this thought-disease goes through.

Like all diseases, Excusitis grows worse if it is not treated properly. Typically, the
victims are unaware that they are suffering from the disease. The very nature of
Excusitis is to produce the mind-deadening thought, "I am not doing as well as I should. What can I use as an alibi that will help me save face?”

Once the victim of this disease has selected a "good" excuse, he lives with it. Then he relies on it to explain to himself and to others why he is not going forward. And each time the victim makes the excuse; the excuse becomes imbedded deeper within his sub-conscious mind.

At first the victim of Excusitis knows his alibi is more or less a lie. But the more
frequently he repeats it, the more convinced he becomes that it is completely true, and that the alibi is the real reason for his not being the success he should be. Thoughts, positive or negative, grow stronger when fertilized with constant repetition.


To be successful, one must cure the disease that causes failure, Excusitis. To cure it, a proven prescription is required. Fortunately, the prescription exists; it is the emotional antioxidant, “Optimistic Response.”

It is widely known that certain antioxidants found in foods, notably leafy vegetables have a positive impact on the immune system by dramatically reducing risks of cancers as well as other diseases. For this reason, antioxidant vitamins are the most popular and universally respected nutritional supplements.

The Optimistic Response, on the other hand, is a positive visualization process, that manufactures the emotional antioxidant inside the mind, and then pumps it through the bloodstream, and throughout the entire body!

What exactly is the Optimistic Response? Simply stated, Optimistic Response is a habitual way of constructively explaining individual personal setbacks. It is a simple method of thinking and continually re-programming the self-image to yield comprehensive benefits. This approach to thinking heightens the immunity to negative and detrimental influences of all kinds, both physical and mental.


People with “Excusitis” habitually blame undesirable experiences or outcomes on permanent conditions. For example, someone who delivers a speech badly, stumbles over words, and is not well received then says to his or her self-image: 'I'm just not good at speaking in front of groups. 'This turns the unpleasant incident into a permanent condition. The self-image will subsequently turn this into an instruction given to the individual every time this person steps to a podium to deliver a talk – self-fulfilling prophecy.

People that on the prescription “Optimistic Response” acknowledge the existence of a permanent disadvantage but only very reluctantly, and only in the face of overwhelming evidence, so, in the same situation, he or she would be more likely to say to the self-image: 'I did not succeed with my speech, but I can learn to do better the next time. 'Then would go ahead and evaluate how he or she was introduced, organized material, spoke, used humor, dress, and so on, in search of ways to be better and do better. This is the habit of “Optimistic Response” in action.


1. When you feel frustrated-STOP! Ask yourself if you are giving the power of permanence to something that can be changed. Are you struggling with an unpleasant incident, a temporary set of circumstances, or a permanent condition? Rarely will you be able to support the notion of a permanent condition.

2. Tell your self-image: 'I can figure this out."

3. Remind your self-image of your past achievements that indicate you can figure this out, that you can do better in this situation.

4. Be alert for behavior patterns, doing the same thing the same way, when doing so has been producing unsatisfactory results. Break the pattern!

One Common Sense Truism™ states, “An excuse is never as good as a result”. Utilizing the magic of the Optimistic Response, one cannot only cure the disease of Excusitis, but to achieve virtually unlimited success in any aspect of life.

WOW! Tough stuff! Well maybe not.

Change really can happen in an instant - you just have to decide what you really want obsessively - make the decision that you are moving forward no matter what the consequences - you will make no more excuses - and take small or large steps everyday toward what you want.

And if this does not work for you - go on being miserable. Just stop complaining to others about it - because in the end - NOBODY cares or feels sorry for someone not willing to help themselves.

Enough on that.

Make sure and watch for the new audio versions of...

- Negotiate Your Way to Riches
- Buying Secrets Retailer's DON'T Want You To Know About

Both being released in the next four weeks on and iTunes.

Also, I'm making progress on my new book - will be done this Summer. Details to follow!

Getting ready to spend four days with Dr. Joe Vitale, strategizing in a top secret location. Maybe here in Chicago! Maybe near you! You never know.

Gotta run - much to do!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

PPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dr. Jon Bon Jovi on success?

Hi Everyone,

I admit it! I've been a big Bon Jovi fan since the mid-80s.

I recently came across a speech he gave (after receiving his honorary Doctorate of Humanities degree) at the Monmouth University commencement in West Long Branch, N.J. Wednesday, May 16, 2001.

This speech is like a blueprint for success in any endeavor. It also is a humbling reminder that in the end, we are all equal.

You can read it here. Enjoy!

All right enough on that.

Special announcement time...

My new audio book "Science of Being Well" from Gildan Media is now available on You can get it here.

It will be on iTunes shortly.

Also, watch for the new audio versions of...

- Negotiate Your Way to Riches
- Buying Secrets Retailer's DON'T Want You To Know About

Both being released in the next four weeks on and iTunes.

Gotta run - much to do!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of "Buying Secrets Retailers DON'T Want You to Know About" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

PPPS...Join my Facebook network here.

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.