Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A must-read book for anyone wanting to get wealthy!

Hi Everyone,

If you want to read a book that can help you get on the path to wealth...then you must get the new book "Why We Want You To Be Rich" by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki!

Donald Trump, a billionaire and Robert Kiyosaki, a multi-millionaire, will teach you...
- The difference between the three types of investors and why only one type will always come out on top!
- How you can become this type of investor!
- Why being an employee is the least financially secure route to wealth!
- How the government is robbing the middle class of their hard-earned money!
- The cash flow quadrant and how you can take advantage of it!
- How to become a business owner and take advantage of the last of the government tax breaks!
- Why the United States is becoming a "rich" or "poor" nation - completely wiping out the middle class!

And much more!

This book is a major eye opener that's sure to have a major impact on financial education! Just yesterday, I personally made a major decision from reading this book! And I will not turn back no matter what the risk.

On top of the education, here are some startling facts I learned in this book...
- Huge problems killing the economy like the falling value of the dollar, a national debt out of control, a growing trade deficit, baby boomers that will not have enough for retirement, inflated oil prices stalling the economy, and the lack of tax breaks for the middle class.
- The staggering growth of China and India and how the United States finances it!
- The "entitlement" mentality of Americans and their false sense of security with the finances managed by the government!
- The decline of social security, Medicare, and Medicaid!
- A very real threat of the United States government eventually going bankrupt in the coming years!
- What these wars are really costing us in debt we can no longer afford!

Pay the $15 and get this book right away. This was some of the best money I ever spent and I'm sure you'll feel the same way.

You can order "Why We Want You To Be Rich" by going to...

Have to run!

Until next time...

PS...Check out my new online store at

PPS...My new video blog will open this month! Stay tuned! I can assure you it will be worth the wait! Here's the address...

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