Saturday, March 17, 2007

Have you heard of RE? Check this out!

Hi Everyone,

I've come across an awesome mental technique created by e-commerce legend Jeff Bezos, Chairman,

The technique is called "Regret Minimization."

"Regret Minimization" is a technique that Jeff used to convince himself to quit a high-paying job for a Fortune 500 company to start

Here's how it works...
"You project yourself at age 80 looking back on your life. And you ask yourself..."do I regret not trying XXXX?" If the answer is "yes" - give the new idea a try. If not, pass it up. Pretty simple. No need for high paid shrinks - Freudian studies - fraudulent psychics - or advice from someone who never tried anything themselves.

Jeff felt that anyone with half-a-brain could work a job for a Fortune 500 anytime they wanted. And it takes a person with guts to step out on their own and pursue their dream.

I totally agree. I've worked with some of the biggest boneheads who had high paying jobs. It takes real cohonas to stand out and do something out of the ordinary! 9 out of 10 people will never do anything except collect a paycheck and bitch about it.

By the way...if you are interested in hearing more about the Jeff Bezos interview I'm refering to, click here and buy "Playboy Interviews: Movers and Shakers."

Until next time...

PS...I've already taped my first video blog and its available here.

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