Friday, March 21, 2008

It's about time someone cuts through the B.S.!

Hi Everyone,

Larry Winget is a prophet, a sage, a modern day Oracle, I could go on and on!

If you want to read some of the best books, or listen to some real unconventional self development CDs/DVDs, actually worth listening to, Larry's your guy.

Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life - Perfect for all the whiners and victims out there! Larry will show you that you're not a victim of anyone but yourself. Get over it and stop blaming everyone else for your problems! You're biggest problem is yourself!

It's Called Work For a Reason - My personal favorite! This book is perfect for anyone who goes to work claiming they put in a real hard day's work. Larry talks about just how productive people are on the job and how few work on anything worth doing. This book is perfect for Fortune 500 consultants claiming they work 18 hour days. I worked with you guys for years and I still don't know what you ever accomplished, nor how you had the nerve to charge companies hundreds of dollars an hour for laziness. You could have built the 8th Wonder of The World instead of socializing and joining useless meetings. Or maybe it's all the time spent building 80-slide PowerPoint decks that nobody wants to look at, much less read! Get a clue!

By the way...I'm writing a new book that will blow the lid off big consulting firms and how they make money and rip companies off! Me and a group of former consultants plan to expose the industry for what it's worth. We will show you where you can save big money and where you're being ripped off. (For instance, you may not know it - but unless you're an account worth tens of millions of dollars - chances are you're paying top dollar for Analysts just out of school with no experience to do the work you're hiring them to do. That's right - you're paying top dollar to teach them!) And this example is one of many! More to come!

Success Is Your Own Damn Fault! - you get to hear Larry in his own profound voice...teach you all his techniques and tactics. He will also get in your face and help you get off your rear and do something with your time that's worth doing! I have this program in my car as I write this, and the DVD in my MacBook playing right next to me. This is a Nightingale-Conant gem!

If you want to listen to someone unconventional, alarming, charming (did I say that?), who will help you cut-to-the-chase, go visit Larry Winget's website now!

No excuses!

Go now!

Until next time...

PS...To get a copy of my bestselling book "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" - please click here.

PPS...To get a copy of my bestselling audio CD program "Negotiate Your Way to Riches" please click here!

All writings here are copyrighted by Peter Wink and You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.