Sunday, August 13, 2006

Are "they" really that smart?

Hi Everyone,

Has someone ever told you..."that's what they say." I'm sure you must have heard this hundreds of times.

Before you follow what "they" say --- consider who "they" really are. Are "they" the all-knowing or the smartest people in the world? Why do "they" never seem to have a name or affiliation? I'll tell you why. It's because "they" are a figment of the imagination of the person you're speaking with.

To prove my point...all you have to do is ask the person you're speaking with who "they" is? You'll get a moment of silence and/or a blank stare. Or better yet, you'll get an obviously stupid response.

I understand that we all want to look smart --- and it shouldn't be at the expense of someone who may need some real help. If you do not truly know the answer to someone's the world a favor and keep quiet. Or do something productive and help them find a credible answer. Now that will make you look smart!

Next time someone says, "they say...", ignore everything they tell you. They have no idea what they're talking about.

And if you have a question about anything...consult a QUALIFIED person or reference to get an answer that will help you...not some uncredible babble.

If you need financial out a qualified financial planner or accountant!
If you need medical out a qualified physician!
If you need business out qualified people who have successfully owned and operated a business!

You get the point!

There are qualified people all around you to help you with just about any issue or challenge you may be facing.

Start seeking out qualified people today by sending questions to...

Until next time...

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