Friday, August 11, 2006

How to become a public speaking impresario!

Hi Everyone,

People are constantly asking me for advice on making presentations, giving lectures, and speaking with effectiveness.

With that in mind...I'm going to answer a recent e-mail request by giving you the formula for giving an effective speech designed STRICTLY to give your audience information.

1. Prior to giving your presentation...make sure you're speaking to an audience that's interested. If they're not interested, you're wasting your time and theirs.

2. Make sure you fit your presentation to a pre-determined timeframe. If possible, speak no longer than an hour at a time. Every hour give a 20-minute break. Keep in mind that people need to have information spoon-fed to them. (Marathons are for runners and triathletes only.)

3. Make sure you're speech breaks up the information in segments or steps. For instance...The 7 Habits of Highly Effective get the point. This is easy for an audience to follow.

4. Make sure to re-iterate your points to the audience in lingo they can understand. Ask your audience if they understand what you said. If not, go back and re-explain. Keep the jargon and the Harvard education in the trunk of your car. Talking over people's heads makes won't make you look smart. You'll look like an elitist ass!

5. Give real life examples of what you're talking about. Save the theoretical trash. If you cannot speak from should not be presenting the topic in the first place.

6. Use easy-to-read visual aids that support your topic.

7. Watch the audience's attitude. Make sure they're enjoying your presentation. An audience will give you plenty of clues if you're boring them to death. If so, either change your approach or wrap up the talk.

8. Stay on point and have a great time!

One of my favorite books on public speaking is Dale Carnegie's "The Quick & Easy Way to Effective Speaking."

You can get it at...

Happy speaking!!!!!

Until next time...

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