Saturday, August 19, 2006

One of Chicago's best kept secrets!

Hi Everyone,

If you're into muscle cars, classic cars, and TV/movie cars, visit the Volo Auto Museum in Volo, IL.

Not only can you see some of the most amazing can actually purchase them. They have most makes and models, as well as rare collectors cars. In fact, Joe Perry from Aerosmith recently purchased a rare Oldsmobile 442 here. Members of the rock group Metallica have also recently purchased cars here during their last concert tour. Celebrities visit here from all over the world.

The Volo Auto Museum even contains the largest collection of George Barris show cars...including one of the world famous original Batmobiles!

This is my favorite car and one day I'm going to own it. For more information on the Volo Auto Museum, go to...

Until next time...


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