Sunday, August 06, 2006

What can we learn from Jim Morrison?

Hi Everyone,

Many years ago I read a poetry book written by the Door's legendary singer Jim Morrison. I think it was called "Lords and New Creatures." In this book he discussed how America loves to build people up just to tear them down later. I believe he was on to something.

Case in point...Mel Gibson!

Here's a man who has entertained us for decades with phenomenal movies, including the highly acclaimed "Passion of the Christ." (Personally I preferred the "Lethal Weapon" films or even "What Women Want" - but that's another blog entry.) We loved him so much a couple weeks ago - and now he's public enemy number one. What am I getting at?

First of all, I find it strange that with multiple wars going on, taxes, inflation, family issues, and employment challenges, most people and the media have enough time to criticize a man who is a multi-millionaire "doer." Mel Gibson has dedicated his life to entertaining others. He's put his time and money on the line to make a difference. Whether you like him or not...give him some credit.

Here's the reality. He got drunk and made some comments he arguably shouldn't have. Is he the first to do this? Have you ever done this? Maybe a friend? Should we drag you or your friends through the press and call you out for all you've done wrong? Give me a break.

While I don't condone the allegations and do not go on drunken tirades, I still feel he deserves a break. Dr. Phil said it best...he's not a bad guy. He messed up and apologized...what else do we expect him to do.

Let's stop building people up to tear them down. If you're going to put someone on a pedestal for some reason - stay loyal. This is why I love the saying, "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Jim Morrison had it right...we've become a society filled with know-it-all, fickle, hypocrites!

Until next time...

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