Monday, August 28, 2006

Are you living your life's purpose?

Hi Everyone,

Do you ever feel stuck in a rut? Be honest with yourself.

You know what I'm talking about --- where you know you can do more with your life and just can't seem to get any momentum. This is actually pretty common - note I did not say "normal" - just "common!"

Much of this comes from external programming we receive from so-called friends, altruistic family members, and other knights in shining armor. You know the types. These people spend more time telling you what you cannot do and why you should take the easy route instead of trying new things and taking some chances.

Take it from me - these people are LOSERS plain and simple. I'll bet my last dollar that if you take a look at these so-called experts on everything, they've accomplished nothing with their lives. About all their good at is running off at the mouth.

If you have a something about it! Remember..."the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." You have no idea how much time you have left...GET ON WITH IT MY FRIEND! Don't die with your music unplayed.

If you think you're too poor to start a new business...I'll guarantee someone was poorer and made it work. If you think you're too old...I'll bet someone was much older than you that made it work. If you're out-of-shape...remember - there's probably someone more out-of-shape than you who has made it work. Bottom line...stop making excuses and get off your rear end. If you have a decent head on your shoulders, two arms, and two're way ahead of the game. I've heard a multitude of stories about functional illiterates who have become HUGE success stories.

Here's one about a personal friend of mine named Tom Harkin. I dined with him and Art Linkletter a few years ago and his story damn near moved me like no other. Art was in tears!

Read it at...

Make a conscious effort to take that first step in your new journey and go to the following link...

I came across this passage and thought I'd share it with you.

Until next time...

PS...If you want to do a great exercise which may help you figure out your life's purpose. Take out a clean sheet of paper and write your obituary. Ask you would like to be remembered. Complete the exercise and you may be surprised what you come up with.

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